Industrial Logistics Services

Rod industrial logistics provides a wide range of services tailored to fit every project type, with in-depth knowledge in logistics practices and strategies, the special teams make it possible for clients such as property developers, owners, investors and municipalities, to ensure optimum profitability and secure the projects throughout relevant risk management.


Divesting a logistics project

The key to successful risk management is to be programmatic with your buying strategy and selective divestitures to frequently maneuver portfolios toward better industry exposure and assets.

We have multiple approaches as the business model differs on whether it is a warehouse, cross-dock plateform or a distribution center, each logistics project is unique and requires a holistic overview and skillset to establish sustainability and offer a compelling proposition for our clients.

Investing in a project

Through decades of transaction execution experiences in the industrial logistics sector, we’ve developed the know-how to determine the true strength and weakness of a logistics project.

Rod industrial logistics manages institutional-quality industrial and logistics properties in all of the major distribution markets in europe and provides advice on international clients entering into the european market as well and vice versa.

Strategic partnership

Now firmly at the heart of core strategies, there has been a shift in investor composition towards institutional capital as the sector has matured. Many investors have looked across borders for opportunities.

Drawing from rich industry insights, and advanced market analysis techniques rod industrial logistics partners to drive sustainability and performance across the globewe provide intense assistance for our clients in terms of strategic and financial approaches, so that each transaction generates the expected results.

Valuation services

Valuing an industrial logistics asset is a task that requires a synoptic methodology and years of transaction experience.

With our outstanding knowledge of the business segment and market participants, we have represented privileged investors in the delicate assessment of logistics assets and ensured our clients get the most aptest ROI.

Regulation advisory

A decisive factor of any project is the ongoing regulatory advice throughout each step of the business implementation, repurposing, or development.

As no mistakes are admissible in today’s regulatory environment, rod industrial logistics’ expert team foresees regulatory challenges along with four vital elements: planning, time management, local market knowledge, and expert legal advice.

Our goal is to to make the project soluble into the local market, and is in phase with local and national regulations and legal requirements.

Conversion consulting

Crisis precipitates change. Covid-19 has brought more evolution in the industrial logistics landscape than in any other industry. However, logistics real estate conversions are complex.

Rod industrial logistics’ team has worked on many conversion opportunities across a range of formats, center sizes, and markets and dealt with economic, political, physical, and legal challenges of the projects.

Portfolio management

Having the right skill set to evaluate and discern the unique characteristics of each asset and an in-depth understanding of industrial logistics challenges, the rod industrial logistics team brings pragmatic approaches and insights from its international network of specialists and thought leaders.

We are aligned with the latest logistics trends and are well equipped to make the most efficient data decision in nurturing and growing their portfolio.

Lease administration

Our lease administration services are extended to all types of retail clients, institutional and private investors for all types of industrial logistics related leases.

Our team of professionals works industriously on all aspects of administrating a lease, including lease abstraction, maintenance, and billing. Our services also include redesigning operations to save on agreements and obtain real-time data, as well as cutting costs on other resources and lowering risks.

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Bastion Tower (level 11-12)
5, Place du Champ de Mars
1050 Brussels, Belgium

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